2011年1月21日 星期五

I don't understand them

Teenagers now use terrible language when they talk behind their teachers. I don't know why this happens here or maybe I was ignorant.
So-called 'A' students are simply one with a bad behavior.
What has education done to our future generation?

2010年10月25日 星期一


Some people only compare among few peers and feel so good about their achievement. Is this somewhat wrong? It is not wrong until they start to admire themselves to be the best in the world. I have never realized this until one day, I suddenly read so much dissatisfaction from a person I once worked with. The dissatisfaction came from several unhappy incidents with her boss. What had made her so unhappy -- it's the fact that she felt she was not respected by the boss. Here comes the question, was the boss not respecting her or she felt on top of the world that even her boss should beg her to do tasks for her job.